Остановка "Гепатит С"

Hepatitis C FAQ. Book 3.
Living with HCV

HepCBC - HEPV-L, Febuary 2012

Part 7: Drugs and Alcohol

Part 8: How can HCV affect my emotional life?

Part 9: Living with HCV

Part 10: Dealing with interferon therapy

Part 11: Employment and disability

Part 12: Important information

APPENDIX A: Where can I get the current version of the FAQ?

APPENDIX B: Common Abbreviations and Medical Terms

APPENDIX C: Some Recommended World Wide Web Sites

APPENDIX D: A List of Canadian Doctors Specializing in the treatment of HCV

APPENDIX E: History of Blood Safety, Canada’s Track Record, and Compensation Issues

APPENDIX F: The Double Challenge of HIV/HCV Co-infection

APPENDIX G: What is a Clinical Trial?

Book 1. The Basics

Book 2. The Treatment.



гепатит в как лечить


Old links:

7.1.6a What shouldn’t I say?
9.2.3 Will I be able to continue working while I’m taking interferon:
9.7.0c Needle size
9.8.0 Help! I think I hit a vein!
11.1.3 Applying for SSI / SSDI
11.1.5 Hepatitis C and Disability Benefits in British Columbia
12.1.1b Canada